girl growing

and a space for her to play in

Monday, January 28, 2008

a friend in need-friend indeed.

luke 16: shrewd managers & rich men.

money makes the world go 'round.

blessings on you as you grow, and learn, seek & heal.
for the moments when your heart breaks at the hurt that the world is suffering.
for the moments when your body shakes with anger at the injustice.
for the moments when your eyes well with tears and your shoulders ache from the intensity & weight of a world that needs so much.
blessings as you choose to see what the world looks like from other eyes
-through the widow, through the poor, through the orphan.
as you use your voice when they cannot.
blessings as you are moved to change-
to bend, to hold, to help, to fight, to try.
your race is not yet over, there is still time.
blessings as you venture forth.
blessings as you return.
as you draw in every breath-transformed anew.


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